About Us

Fusão Ligas was born in April 2003, focused on sustainability, with a business model focused on decommissioning and the management of industrial by-products.

With orderly growth, we have a technical team of the most renowned in Brazil in sustainability, which helps us structure our ESG initiatives.

We have headquarters in six Brazilian states: Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Bahia, Pará, Maranhão and Santa Catarina.

Where are we

We operate throughout Brazil and our operations are located in the following states:

Missão, Visão e Valores

Codes and Policies

All Codes and Policies that guide our operations are available for download. Acting ethically and transparently is part of our culture and contributes positively to the company’s day-to-day operations.

To learn more, click on the icons below.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Responsible Sourcing Policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

Social Responsibility Policy

Supplier Code of Conduct

Human Rights Policy

Transparency Policy

Labor Policy

Integrated Management Policy

Sustainability Report

Communication channel

This is an exclusive Fusão Ligas channel for secure and anonymous communication.

Through this channel you can send reports, follow reports and check the progress status.
The information recorded here will be received in absolute confidentiality by Fusão Ligas’ senior management and will receive appropriate treatment for each situation, without conflicts of interest.If you wish, your report can also be made by calling
+55 (31)3852-2383 from Monday to Friday

Follow reports

If you have already made a call and would like to check the progress of the process, access our communication platform, simply log in using the data used when registering.

Work with us

Register your CV and participate in our selection processes.


Contact us for help or any questions. We are here to serve you!

Avenida B, nº 201 – BR 381, KM 337 – Distrito Industrial. Bairro Cruzeiro Celeste – João Monlevade – MG – CEP: 35.931-349 🇧🇷

+55 (31)3852-2383


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